Silicon(e): All Chapters

Silicon(e) Cover by Eric HuberAll in one place for you to read, chapter by chapter.

When an employee is found dead at Ben Ashmore’s Design and Technology company, things begin to unravel quickly sending both him spiraling into a mystery that seems to point towards corporate espionage and domestic terrorism. As he tries to solve the mystery, he finds out it could be much worse and the price he pays is unimaginable.


© 2013-2019 Eric Huber. Silicon(e)™ is a work of fiction. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. “Pantone” is a registered trademark of Pantone LLC and is used solely as a play on the colors predominate at the beginning of each chapter.

Atlantis and The Eye of the Sahara (Richat Structure)

Atlantis and The Eye of the Sahara (Richat Structure)

One of the tenants of my "First Earth" theory is that humans had risen in the ancient past vs. aliens 'seeding' our planet (and/or giving us the technology to advance). Some believe our history is much more vast than ever thought before. In other words, "WE are the...

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The Veil

The Veil

Placing a parent in a retirement home is one of the hardest things a child has to do in life. But, it’s much harder for Rebecca – and stranger.

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