Other Articles and Writing
365 Quotes | Day 036
One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Downloadable PDF Johann Wolfgang von Goethe on Solitude (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 035
I doubt if you can have a truly wild party without liquor. - Carl Sandburg Downloadable PDF Carl Sandburg on Liquor (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 034
Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive. - Napoleon Hill Downloadable PDF Napoleon Hill on Ideas (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 033
Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love. - Talleyrand Downloadable PDF Talleyrand on Coffee (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 032
There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends. -Homer Downloadable PDF Homer on husband and wife (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not...
365 Quotes | Day 031
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until i set him free. - Michelangelo Downloadable PDF Michelangelo on Setting Free an Angel (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 030
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.
– Rudyard Kipling
365 Quotes | Day 029
Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. -Carol Lynn Wright Pearson Downloadable PDF Carol Lynn Wright Pearson on Heroes and True-Self (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 028
Weather forecast for tonight? Dark. - George Carlin Downloadable PDF George Carlin about Weather (11"x8.5" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 027
When I look at the Earth from space, I see vast seas, huge land masses, and swirling clouds. There are no boundaries, save those between water and land. There are no sections of the Earth that say, “This is the most important place and you’re only important if you...
365 Quotes | Day 026
Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race. - H.G. Wells Downloadable PDF H. G. Wells on Bicycles and the Human Race (8?x8? PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell. (iStockPhoto.com #000000471976)
365 Quotes | Day 025
This is my 100th post on my blog. As long as I've been in the web business, you'd think I'd have many many more. However, I usually wrote more on MySpace, Facebook, or in email. Happy 100th! Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've...
365 Quotes | Day 024
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw No PDF today, kiddos.
365 Quotes | Day 023
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk come out of my nose. - Woody Allen Downloadable PDF Woody Allen on Laughter (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 022
If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it. - Albert Einstein Downloadable PDF Albert Einstein - Absurd Idea (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
Göbekli Tepe
The world's oldest temple? A zoo? Something different we have no reference for? A huge article and photography spread appeared in National Geographic recently. I haven't made up my mind about it yet. Electrum Magazine Wikipedia Smithsonian...
365 Quotes | Day 021
Be Silly. Be Honest. Be Kind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Downloadable PDF Ralph Waldo Emerson on Being... (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
365 Quotes | Day 020
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment. I told them they didn’t understand...
365 Quotes | Day 019
Dedicated to all the friends and family who sent me birthday wishes by email, phone, text, and...of course...on Facebook! I am grateful for you all. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by...
365 Quotes | Day 018
I was a bit torn doing this quote today. While looking for quotes using 'birthday' (since mine is coming soon), this one popped out at me. While most everyone is familiar with this quote and the fact that Marie Antionette eventually lost her head over her lack of...
Review: The Expendables
If you miss the action stars of days gone by, it’s the only reason to watch this film.
365 Quotes | Day 017
Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say. -Wayne Dyer Higher Resolution (1200 pixels x 1200 pixels) Click image above for larger version.
365 Quotes | Day 016
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. Khalil Gibran, from The Prophet Downloadable PDF Khalil...
365 Quotes | Day 015
Do not call procrastination laziness. Call it fear. -Julia Cameron Downloadable PDF Julia Cameron on Procrastination (8"x8" PDF) You are free to print and share, but not to sell.
Shameless Promotion…
Where I promote my family, friends, and myself.
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Christi Daniels
My Wife’s Book
From the blurb...
Have you created a life in which everyone else’s needs come first, and you’ve lost touch with your own dreams and desires? From the outside looking in, you’re a bright, sensitive, driven woman who’s got her life together. But on the inside, it’s a different story. You can tell something is “off.” You’ve lost your spark, that sense of aliveness and enthusiasm about life. You’re feeling disconnected from yourself and your dreams. Chances are you’ve pushed aside your own needs in favor of accommodating the preferences of your family, friends, or workplace. Your schedule is packed, often with many events and responsibilities you love but added all together, they cause stress and drain your energy.
This is the modern woman’s dilemma. Whether or not we realize it, we are under enormous pressure to live up to impossible expectations of perfection in every area of our lives. As driven women, we’re constantly striving to achieve this unattainable state of perfection and rarely stop to rest. Imbalance, resentment, and obligation become familiar feelings, and we mistakenly believe our inability to meet these expectations is a reflection of our worth. We feel guilty that we can’t do everything we think we should. We end up feeling like we’re not “enough,” and our own dreams and desires slip away…
Sabbatical from “Yes” gives you a way to press “pause” on your life so that you can get back in touch with who you really are at the core, reconnect with your inner wisdom, and deepen self-trust. From there, you can make informed choices that, rather than depleting you, will leave you feeling nourished. It’s not self-ish. It’s self-full.

Amanda Shertzer
My Sister’s Books
From the blurb...
You are a beacon of hope on Earth.
You are valued and supported in ways you can’t even imagine.
When you identify as a Lightworker, Starseed, or Wanderer, you may feel lonely at times. You may feel defeated within a world that doesn’t seem to make sense. You are setting the energetic blueprint for others to follow, but sometimes you need a little bit of support and guidance yourself.
Our other-dimensional friends are here to help.
Channeled messages from the Arcturians are compiled here to guide and support you throughout your life as a light, or beacon, for others. The Arcturian Collective’s gentle guidance helps you keep your frequency high, so you can vibrate right where you need to for others. Use this book as a resource as we all go through the ascension and The Shift to New Earth.
In Part One you will find:
- Understand what old programming you are moving out of
- Get a view of what new things you will be seeing in the collective
- Understand difficult emotions and how to transcend them
- See how working together creates the changes you want to see
- Learn how to keep from being influenced by the “negative”
- Get a clear knowledge of how to remember your true self
- Find out what your mission entails and how to maintain it
- Taking care of your energetic body
- Clearing what you no longer need
- How you help the collective
- Ways to take care of yourself
- Dealing with loneliness
- Dealing with self-doubt
- Signs of support
Part Two contains three sections:
- How to connect to your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and other dimensional beings.
- How to manifest anything you want to be, do, or have.
- How we can all create the “New Earth” and live the 5D way.
Use the index of topics at the end of the book when you are looking for particular guidance. Or simply flip through the pages and see what you land on to get a message just for this moment.
Whether you’re feeling lost in the dark, or you’re resonating at a super-high frequency, you’ll find More of Your Light within this book.
~ ~ ~
Amanda Shertzer is a lightworker supporting other lightworkers in their path to learning more about why they’re here and what their missions are. She uses channeled transmissions from other-dimensional beings as well as one-on-one hypnotherapy and channeling sessions as a part of her own lightworker mission. Her channelings are featured on YouTube, Twitter, and websites worldwide.
From the blurb...
It was never about food.
According to the CDC, almost half of all American adults have tried to lose weight. The majority of them tried to do it by exercising and eating less food. 80% of people will regain half of what they’ve lost within twelve months. There’s a reason for this that has nothing to do with exercise and food.
Have you lost and regained weight many times and tried all the major weight loss programs only to feel like a failure when you couldn’t maintain the program or the loss? It was only when practicing hypnotherapy that I discovered the real root causes for weight gain. I want to share these with you so that you know it’s not willpower you need and you are not a failure. This process is so unlike any other program out there that you will succeed – even if you’ve given up on every other attempt you’ve made to lose weight.
In this revolutionary six-part course you’ll learn:
- The truth about food
- What really controls your weight and state of health
- What message your body is trying to send
- The cultural programs that may lead to your weight gain
- Innovative ways to change your old habits
- What you need to do to transform your body and your life to be what you really want it to be
And because I’m a certified hypnotist, this course includes a link to a FREE weight loss hypnosis audio that you can download and use as often as you want for enhanced results. If you want to find out the true cause of weight gain, then this little book is a must-read.
From the blurb...
I see you. You’re frustrated. You’ve tried the commonly recommended treatments and latest internet “fixes”, and you still haven’t found a good solution for you.
What are the best treatments for hair loss?
If you’ve stood in front of the mirror wishing you had the hair you used to, and if you’ve wondered about what treatments would be the easiest, most affordable solutions which actually work for you, read on!
Whether your hair loss is due to hormonal causes, trauma, health issues, genetics, or any other causes, there are new, innovative ways to regrow your hair which you might not know about… yet.
In this quick and easy-to-read book you’ll discover:
- The unusual treatment approved by the FDA in 2004, which few people have ever heard of
- The top homeopathic remedies that really work
- The vitamins and supplements which have been scientifically researched to be the most effective for hair regrowth and why
- 6 ayurvedic and “out there” methods to try without even touching your hair or scalp
- How to craft your own plan for hair regrowth – customized to your needs and lifestyle
It’s time to stop the hair loss and stop feeling bad about the way you look (because you deserve better). If you’re ready to create your own cost-effective and easy-to-follow solution to regrow your hair, Add this book to your cart now.