Crystal Skulls and Holographic Data Storage
Crystal Skulls and Holographic Data Storage
What if we knew, today, that a world wide calamity was going to strike?
What if we knew most of the population of the planet would be lost, our infrastructure destroyed, our knowledge in ‘the cloud’ inaccessible? Almost everything is digital at the moment; books, movies, music, and images. If something destroyed, or interrupted, the electrical fields, or simply destroyed our ability to generate power…what would happen to the over 1 billion terrabytes of data we have stored?
What if language and communication were bound to be confused or lost entirely without the constant passing down of knowledge, reading, math, and history?
What if we had time to prepare?
And what if, we could leave behind that knowledge and make it recognizable to later generations?
Where is information stored?
Our brains.
And our brains reside?
In our skull.
Did you know current trends in Holographic Data Storage are able to store a Terabyte of information in a high-density plastic disc much like the size of a DVD? That’s 200 DVDs on a single disc.
Some scientists are working on liquid crystals to form into shapes for data storage.
What is the legend of the Crystal Skulls? That they hold information of our ancestors. That they are so smooth that they appear to be created without any polishing or shaping?
Hmmm. Sounds like liquid crystal shaped into a skull…which is symbolic of the containment vessel for our brains.
Now, to find the primer and figure out how to read and decode the language(s) of the people of First Earth.
Holographic Data Storage
Brian Lawrence at GE Global Research
200 DVDs on a single disc
1 Terrabyte of data on a disc
Liquid Crystals Light Way to Better Data Storage
Science Daily/ june 24, 2010
Legend of the Crystal Skulls
Minute mark of around 12:00