Third Eye Mythologies Explored
Third Eye Mythologies Explored
Now here’s something that is timely (when I’m writing it, anyway).
In a previous post, I explored the topic of the Crystal Skulls as a storage device for data.
In October of 2007, I went on a little vacation in which part took me to the ‘Woo woo’ town of Sedona, Arizona. An amazing place with vortex tours, red rocks, myths, native art, and many more things to help you get away. During a Vortex tour, our guide told us how the crystals we find in the earth actually hold the memories of native American ancestors. If we took it and held it to our third eye, and were open to the experience, a flood of experiences and knowledge would pour into our being.
Sounded scary. I didn’t try.
But it did get me thinking and asking more questions. Over the past few years, I’ve met many students of the healing power of crystals, the inherent knowledge in crystals, and more. I was informed, by several people, that you had to have a certain type of crystal to truly connect with the ancient wisdom and knowledge. This information, coupled with the belief in the power of the “Third Eye,” in which we can do everything from see higher planes of existence, be able to access higher levels of knowledge and wisdom, and also channel the creative force of the universe into creating what we think, left me with a concept I’m sure will raise a ruckus. And that is, what if the “Third Eye” and the stories of crystals holding memories are one and the same? That the “Third Eye” was actually a powered device worn that acted in a much more modern fashion that today’s iPhone (or other smartphone)?
Crazy you say? They are nothing alike!
Granted, it doesn’t go on our forehead, but don’t we use it for seeing ‘higher planes of existence’ like Google Maps, weather.com, and speak to beings that aren’t there? Don’t we access higher levels of knowledge and wisdom by using wikipedia.org, websites, and other apps? Don’t we even channel our desires into creating what we think by ordering books, food, and goods that miraculously appear at our doorsteps? And aren’t our smartphones made of glass and metal? How would you describe the function of your iPhone to your grandkids if, by some weird disaster, all power, cell service, and technology were gone? “Um, well, we used this to talk to people around the planet, look up information, and, um, order pizza.” “What, grandpa? You could talk to people in the sky? Have knowledge instantly given to you? AND food would appear in front of you? You’re crazy, grandpa, but we love you anyways.”
Think I’m off base? Well, as I said at the beginning about being ‘timely.’
Just this past week, Google released information about it’s new Google Glass device. It’s a pair of glasses that allows you to share what you’re seeing, AND use several functions including video chat, maps, information, music, and more. Take a look at the video below if you don’t believe me. Maybe, the various ancient words and terms for the Third Eye and the symbolic representation were simply brand names or product names. Just a thought. P.S. I also noticed in WikiPedia how many believe that master of the “Third Eye” allowed for ‘Out-of-body experiences.” Like, oh…say…watching a movie through your Google Glasses?